Insiders have told Standard Sport that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has been very impressed by their first analysis of London 2012’s 600-page bid book. One source described London’s bid as ‘weighty and certainly very serious”.
The Independent reports that a sponsorship initiative by London 2012 bid organizers has backfired, after several of their “major partners” ended up donating money to rival cities bidding for the 2012 Games. Several months ago the bid’s head Lord Coe announced that various corporate giants had agreed to donate money and work pro bono on London 2012’s behalf. But in an effort for the companies to hedge their bets, they also decided to bankroll London’s rivals, says the Independent.
Friends of the Earth has called for a London Olympics to be the “eco-Olympics” and will be assessing the London bid against a set of environmental standards and publishing the results. The assessment will cover three main stages – how the Games are planned, operations during the Games, and the legacy left to Londoners. There are key targets the organization will look for. Before the Games they are land use, building construction and operation, and damaging development. During the Games the targets include green merchandising and sponsorship. The legacy London 2012 will leave after the Games will also be considered.
And finally, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has pledged its support for London’s 2012 bid. The MCB represents more than 400 Muslim organizations in the UK, including mosques, charities and schools. The organization’s Secretary General Iqbal Sacranie has joined London 2012 as a bid ambassador.