
Pan Am Games Test For Rio’s 2016 Summer Bid

Rio de Janeiro is bidding for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Experts say the ability to organize events like the regional games is one of the key elements the International Olympic Committee (IOC) will take into consideration when it chooses the 2016 Summer Games host.

The IOC will have an opportunity the next few days at the 15th Pan American Games being hosted by Rio July 13-29. According to Kyodo, any problems in staging the Pan American Games could have adverse effects on Rio’s bid and boost the chances of its rivals that include Tokyo, Chicago and Madrid.

Concerns plaguing the $2 billion Pan American Games include the high local crime rate and environmental preservation.

Rio’s city hall estimates about 700,000 tourists will be visiting Rio during the games and hotels along the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema already have a 90 per cent occupation rate, according to the Brazilian Hotels Association.

Kyodo reports Rio de Janeiro saying the investments made to host the Pan American Games will be an advantage in the race to host the Olympics.

Organizers said the fact that all the competitions will take place in four main complexes based with a radius of 25 kilometres is another major advantage the city has over its potential rivals.

Felipe Mendes of the sports daily Lance said, “we will have to convince the IOC that we have the same conditions to host the Olympic Games as cities like Tokyo and Chicago which are rich nations”.

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