reports that the evaluation commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) visited the eThekwini Municipality last weekend as part of Durban’s bid for the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. Durban is also bidding to host the 123rd Congress of the IOC in 2011.
According to the website winning the bid would further assist Durban in its “2010 and Beyond” event-led development strategy, as the city hopes to become Africa’s leading sporting and events destination.
Also, hosting the congress would play an important part in building the Olympic movement in South Africa, according to the website.
City Manager Dr. Michael Sutcliffe, who worked on the Strategic Projects Unit to put the bid together along with IOC Executive Board Member Sam Ramsamy, said that Cabinet had given unanimous support for the bid and had every confidence in the city to deliver on the bid.
Mayor Obed Miaba said Durban had proven this by hosting a number of big events such as the annual Tourism Indaba 2008. He added, “Durban is positioned ideally to host the IOC and we have no doubt in our minds that our bid will be successful”.
As for the 123rd Congress, Ramsamy said a concerted effort had been made from all spheres of government to host the conference in Durban, and that he was particularly impressed by the city’s preparations for the 2010 FIFA World Cup so far.
Ser Miang NG, Chairman of the Evaluation Commission, said he was impressed by the developments in the city and was well aware of the many successful events held at the ICC.
He said, “the success of the city shows its capability to host big ticket events and this will count in the city’s favour”.