
All International Federations Accept Tokyo 2016 Bid Plan

Tokyo 2016 issued a statement that all 26 participating international federations have accepted its sports venue plan to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games.

The bid committee says with 95 per cent of the venues located within an 8 km radius, the plan “promises to bring every sport federation into the heart of the city, offering great exposure and the best time experience of the Games”.

Toru Hirakata, Sports Director of Tokyo 2016 said, “since establishing contact in June 2008, the Tokyo 2016 technical team has sought guidance from the international federations to ensure that the needs of every sport were met. We’re very grateful to the international federations for their participation in this process leading to these sign offs, and are pleased to have developed a plan that suits their needs and will provide great exposure for each of their sports”.

Dr. Ichiro Kono, Chairman and CEO of Tokyo 2016 said in a statement “validation of the plan is the result of Tokyo 2016’s great team work and devotion to placing the needs of sport and athletes firmly in the centre of our Games’ plan. We are especially thankful to the federations for having taken time to consider our project, provide constructive feedback, and ultimately make it all possible. We are thrilled by the opportunity to share our plan with them and every member of the Olympic family in the run-up to the IOC’s decision”.

All the Candidate Cities have to submit their Candidature File to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) by February 12 and the IOC is to select the 2016 Olympic city October 2, 2009 at its 119th session in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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