More British Columbians support a Vancouver 2036 Summer Olympics bid then would oppose such a project, a new province-wide poll revealed. With the next three editions already awarded – Paris 2024, Los Angeles 2028 and Brisbane 2032 – the 2036 Games are the first still available to host.
A survey by Research Co. taken between April 15 and 17 among a demographically weighted sample of 801 respondents asked “All things considered, do you think Vancouver should launch a bid to host Summer Olympics in 2036?”
With the next three editions already awarded – Paris 2024, Los Angeles 2028 and Brisbane 2032 – the 2036 Games are the next available to host.
A total of 49 percent across the province said the city “probably should” or “definitely should” (29%, 20%) bid for the Games – a higher total than the 40 percent that answered “probably should not” or “definitely should not” (19%, 21%). Eleven percent were undecided.
The support for a 2036 bid is up seven percent from a November 2022 poll taken by British Columbia based Research Co.
Young people were most likely to support a bid with 61 percent between the ages of 18-34 saying the project should move forward.
The accuracy of the poll is +/- 3.5 percentage points, nineteen times out of twenty.
Vancouver hosted the 2010 Olympic Winter Games and Canada hosted its only Summer Games in Montreal in 1976.
Four First Nations in British Columbia were working with the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) in 2022 to organize a bid for the 2030 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, but efforts ultimately failed when the provincial government refused to offer support for the project. Despite their support for a Summer Games bid, British Columbians were okay with the Winter Games decision.
Across the province 55 percent “strongly agree” or “moderately agree” (25%, 30%) with the province’s decision while 29 percent “moderately disagree” or “strongly disagree” (16%, 13%). Sixteen percent were undecided.
When asked, 53 percent had a positive opinion of the IOC while 28 percent were negative and 19 percent were undecided.
Meanwhile, those surveyed said that they support Vancouver’s role as one of 16 host cities for the 2026 FIFA World Cup to be staged among Canada, Mexico and the United States. Vancouver is set to feature seven matches including two beyond the group stage and at least 2 with team Canada.
The poll revealed 68 percent “strongly agree” or “moderately agree” (32%, 26%) with plans while 22 percent “moderately disagree” “strongly disagree” (12%, 10%). Eleven percent were undecided.
When asked, 47 percent had a positive opinion of FIFA while 25 percent were negative. Twenty-eight percent were undecided.
The COC has not said it is seeking to host the 2036 Summer Games with Vancouver or any other region in Canada but under the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) new bid process, national Olympic committees can enter into a confidential ongoing dialogue to discuss potential bids. Last week IOC President Thomas Bach said the number of interested regions globally is in the “double digits”.
There is no set timetable for the awarding of the 2036 Games, but an election is not expected before 2026 or 2027 according to the IOC’s Future Host Commission.
The 2030 and 2034 Winter Olympics are expected to be awarded to French Alps and Salt Lake City, respectively, with an election scheduled for July 24 in Paris.