
Madrid 2016 Adds New Languages To Web Portal

Madrid 2016 has added two new language to its website – Arabic and Chinese. The site is already available in English, French and Spanish.

Madrid 2016 says it’s the only 2016 Candidate City to offer the contents of its website in Arabic and Chinese.

The sections of the website translated in Arabic and Chinese are part of the home page, which also contains links leading to the rest of the Olympic bid contents, said a media release, adding that the most important section called “our bid” has a wide array of information of the city’s Olympic project, divided in several translated subsections, including links called “What is Madrid 2016”, “Olympic Village”, “Generation 16”, “Our Team”, “Image and Slogan” and “Paralympics”, among others. The other sections are in English, French and Spanish.

Mercedes Coghen, CEO of Madrid 2016, said it is the first website of all the Candidate Cities to add two additional languages. “With this initiative, in which we are pioneers with respect to our competitors, we want to present our Olympic and city project, ‘The Games of the People’, to the whole world. As of today we are closer to Asia, North Africa and the Middle East, as well as to those who reside in our country and need to be informed in Arabic or Chinese to better get to know us”.

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