
LA 2024 Gets Support From Edison International To Create Sustainable Olympic Games Plan

la2024largeLA 2024 announced Monday that Edison International, a leading energy company headquartered in Southern California, is supporting its bid for the 2024 Olympic Games.  The bid says Edison will collaborate with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, other utilities in the region, and LA 2024 to help craft a Games plan that relies on energy that is clean, sustainable and reliable.

LA 2024 Chairman Casey Wasserman said, “we are very pleased to work with Edison International and other local utilities to plan a sustainable Olympic and Paralympic Games for 2024.  With no permanent construction required to host the Games and working with experienced utility leaders at Edison International and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, environmental protection and conservation will be at the forefront of our planning and our culture as we invite the world to ‘Follow the Sun’ to a New Games for a New Era”.

edison_international_logo-svgEdison, through its subsidiaries, is a generator and distributor of electric power, as well as a provider of energy services and technologies, including renewable energy.  With about 12,500 employees across Southern California, the company has a committed and very active network of employee and retiree volunteers who are connected to the communities in which they life and work.  Edison says it will look to engage this network of active employees and retirees, as well as community and business leaders, to support the 2024 Olympics as it did during the Los Angeles 1984 Olympic Games.

The LA 2024 team will be traveling to Doha, Qatar later this month to make a critical presentation of its bid to members of the Association of National Olympic Committees along with bid rivals.

Los Angeles is competing with Budapest and Paris to host the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024.  The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will select the host city September 2017 in Lima, Peru.

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