
Boston is Public Favorite For U.S. 2024 Olympic Bid Nomination: Poll

Tuesday in Redwood City, California, the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) will choose whether to enter a bid to host the 2024 Olympic Games.  The organization may also, at their option, select from Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco or Washington, D.C. as a nominee, or defer the choice until next year.  Or, perhaps they’ll just call it all off – if they don’t think any of the choices on the table will be viable on the international stage.

That’s their choice.  It’s the USOC’s bid.

Since Friday, has been collecting your votes in a global unscientific poll and the results are close.  As of post-time you’ve chosen Boston as your favorite bid, followed by Washington, Los Angeles and San Francisco.  A smaller number of you feel that no bid should be forwarded by the USOC for 2024.

At Time of Posting:

Boston:  26%
Washington 22%
Los Angeles 21%
San Francisco 17%
None 14%

[btn link=”” color=”royalBlue” size=”size-m” target=”_blank”]Cast Your Vote Now[/btn]


The poll will remain open until 15:00 local time (18:00 ET, 23:00 UTC) in Redwood City where the announcement is scheduled to take place approximately 1-hour later.

Watch for details and follow @gamesbids on Twitter.

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