
Madrid's Mayor Calls 2020 Bid “A Dream For All Spaniards”

The delegation that submitted Madrid’s 2020 Candidature File to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Monday included Mayor Ana Botella, and Alejandro Blanco, President of Madrid 2020 and the Spanish Olympic Committee.

Mayor Botella called Madrid’s bid “a project the whole country is behind and a dream for all Spaniards”.

She added, “the proof can be seen in the fact that three levels of government are represented here – the city, the regional and the national. We are here to give our support to the countless people who are working for and believe in Madrid’s Olympic aspirations”.

Blanco said a key strength of the bid is that much of the infrastructure is already in place. He added that even more significant than that are Spain’s excellent track record in hosting international sporting fixtures.

“No other city or country in the world has welcomed more high level competitions than us, nor with such success”, he said.

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