
Turin 2006 Update

The International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Coordination Commission is to pay its tenth and final visit to Turin November 29-30. Snow has already fallen in the Italian Alps and the commission members will be taking a close look at the conditions that the athletes can expect to find when they arrive in Turin, as well as examining the final details of Games preparations. The commission will cover a wide range of topics, including sponsor services, the International Federations, media operations, Olympic Family Services, NOC relations, and communications. Turin Mayor Sergio Chiamparino said that “all the deadlines and commitments are being respected and the IOC visit will also serve to gauge the attention the city is devoting to the Games”, something which, according to the Mayor, “is getting bigger and better. As the date comes nearer you can feel the anticipation and excitement for the event grow and I think this is highly positive”.

Turin 2006 has produced a special guide to give spectators information about tickets, transport, the Olympic sites, the Olympic sports and everything there is to know about the Olympic region. A full version of the guide will be included with tickets to the event and a “pocket” guide can be picked up at the Olympic sites during the Games. One hundred and sixty thousand copies of the full version guide will be published in Italian and English. There will be 1.2 million copies of the pocket guide, which will also be in French and will be available online starting the middle of December.

More than 500,000 tickets have been sold for the Turin 2006 Games and about 360,000 of them have been sold abroad – mostly to the United States, Canada and Japan. Tickets sold for the most popular sports include ice hockey, speed skating, figure skating, alpine skiing and cross country skiing.

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