
TO-Bid Off The Hook With Garbage Problem

TO-Bid is off the hook – for now. After two days of discussions last week, the joint meeting of Toronto’s policy and finance committee, and works committee put off a decision as to where Toronto’s 1.3 million tonnes of garbage shipped annually to the Keele Valley landfill site will go once it’s closed in 2002.

The Adams Mine near Kirkland Lake, Ontario was a consideration, and the Adams Mine Intervention Coalition, an umbrella organization of groups opposed to the proposal, wrote Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman last month threatening to contact the International Olympic Committee and its individual board members advising them that “by accepting a bid from Toronto, they will be looking at a city that has opted for an environmentally unsound NIMBY (not in my back yard) solution for its waste problems”.

Because one of the main bidders has revised its bid, the committee agreed that all bidders should submit sealed revised offers and a decision will be made by Toronto city council on August 1.

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