Sochi 2014 CEO, Dmitry Chernyshenko balked at media reports that Sochi’s bid was in third place due to a “very good” rating in the concept category as opposed to the “excellent” rating given to competitors Salzburg and PyeongChang.
In an exclusive interview with Chernyshenko said “it’s up to the IOC members to determine which bid is in which position, the evaluation report is not for ranking.”
Of three key challenges outlined by the IOC evaluation commission following their site visit in March, Chernyshenko was pleased to see that the list had been successfully addressed by Sochi 2014.
“I’m really satisfied from the report that security is not an issue anymore and that the IOC has recognized our ability to provide high security during the Games.”
On the other two challenges, deliverability and the environment – progress is being made.
“There is evidence that there is ongoing progress on construction…this is a good sign.
“The IOC carefully understood the competitve advantages of our bid.”
The bid will now focus on preparing its presentation for the final election in Guatemala.
In a tight race such as this it will be important to have marquee leaders to lobby and promote the bid at the IOC session in Guatemala before the election.
Chernyshenko agrees.
“President Putin is personally involved in the bid…he is a real bid leader and he is a great promoter of Sochi but we will wait and see until Guatemala [to know if he will attend]. We hope that he will be able to join is at the final presentation.”