
New Airport, Festival, To Boost Jaca’s 2014 Bid

Construction to enlarge the Zaragoza Airport Terminal is to begin in June and should be completed by January 31, 2008. Zaragoza will be hosting the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Games if Jaca is successful in its bid. It will also be the venue for ice skating, short-track, curling, and some of the ice hockey competitions.

The enlarged terminal, 172 metres long and 48 metres wide, with a total area of 16,000 square metres, will be about four times the size of the present terminal and will cost 27.8 million Euros.

When it is complete the airport will service up to one million passengers a year.

There will be 800 parking places and easy access to downtown Zaragoza and to Jaca by the A-23 motorway.

Meanwhile the Jaca 2007 Foundation is hosting an Olympic youth festival in February 2007. About 1200 athletes and technicians between the ages of 15-18 from forty European countries will compete in six different sports, including biathlon, cross-country skiing, figure skating, ice hockey alpine skiing and snowboarding.

So far seven hundred and fifty people have registered to volunteer for the event

The Jaca 2007 Foundation is sponsored by the Spanish Olympic Committee, the Government of Aragon, the Superior Council of Sports, The Provincial Delegation of Huesca, and the City Council of Jaca.

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