is ready to provide coverage of the final stretch of the Olympic bid race. As the only independent Olympic bid focused publication anywhere, we’ve already provided the best full coverage – but it will only intensify as we approach the IOC election on Wednesday.
We’re proud to be able to provide free quality news and information about the Olympic bids fulfilling a promise made when we launched our Web site over seven years ago.
With over 15 years experience as an Olympic bid analyst, producer Rob Livingstone is a leader in his field and can deliver unbiased accounts of what really matters. He has already been trusted to provide valuable commentary for major news outlets around the world.
Our team has visited 2012 bid cities and their venues and can leverage deep experience that includes close examination of almost 50 individual Olympic bid proposals. We know this stuff inside and out.
With our international team of contributors we’re always able to provide a balanced global perspective, and this week won’t be an exception as we deliver on-the-scene analysis and reporting from Singapore.
On Monday we’ll release the final update of BidIndex, the only statistically based bid rating system that has been successful in the past. wishes the five bids and their supporters the best of luck this week, and we’d like to thank the same for their information and cooperation that helped support our coverage during the two year campaign.
You may think it has all been hyped up in the press – but believe us when we say that these are five of the best bids the IOC has ever seen, and the 2012 election will be the most exciting ever!