
Squash To Promote 2020 Bid At World Squash Day

World Squash Day on October 20 has a 2020 theme this year to promote squash’s bid for inclusion in the 2020 Summer Olympic Games.

Local clubs are invited to field two teams of 20 players, with rival team members playing one game up to 20 points. The scores from every club will count towards an overall global result between Team Squash and Team 2020.

Organizers of World Squash Day hope the competitors will run into the hundreds of thousands so they can claim the event as the largest sports fixture in history, as well as the biggest squash match.

Andrew Shelley, Chief Executive of the World Squash Federation said, “there are over fifty thousand squash courts spread across the world and to give the players on all of them the chance to compete in the same championship will bring the world of squash together in such a unique way. A day to look forward to, a day that will be remembered”.

Local clubs are also staging a number of development activities to attract new members to the sport.

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