
ISF President “Thrilled” With Softball Shortlist For 2020 Games

International Softball Federation (ISF) President Don Porter said, on his return from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Session last week in South Africa where it was announced that softball was on the shortlist for the 2020 Games, “without question, we are thrilled to have softball on the IOC’s shortlist for the candidate sports for 2020. That being said, the real victory, of course, would be a decision in our favour come 2013 when the vote is taken on which sport the IOC will add for the Summer Olympics”.

Porter added, “we’ve never given up on restoring dreams. Just as the athletes give it their all on the field, we must ensure that we make every effort to return softball to the Games so that a new era of players can get the chance to compete in the biggest stage like others did in 1996, 2000 2004, and 2008”.

Porter said an ISF Olympic Legacy Committee had already been formed this year in anticipation of the shortlist announcement, with ISF Secretary General Ms. Low Beng Choo as the chairperson.

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