Note to those attending the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Leave those vuvuzelas, horns, claxons, drums and whistles at home – they are banned from the Games.
While Olympic ticket holders in London can bring small amounts of food into the stadiums, picnic baskets won’t be allowed, along with balls, rackets and Frisbees.
Ticket holders have been sent a two-page set of rules that state there is a ban on objects or clothing that project political statements.
While flags are allowed, those not representing a country unrepresented at the Games are forbidden except for the U.K. subset flags of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
If you bring containers with more than 100 milli-litres of liquids to the Games they will be confiscated at the gates.
Also forget about bringing large hats, golf-sized umbrellas, bicycles, or knives with the exception of “the Sikh article of faith kirpan/ceremonial dagger”.