
IOC Two-Day Workshop With 2024 Olympic Bid Candidate Cities Concludes

Sandor Finta (right), Director of Architecture & Urban Planning, Budapest 2024 was part of Budapest delegation (IOC Photo)
Sandor Finta (right), Director of Architecture & Urban Planning, Budapest 2024 was part of Budapest delegation (IOC Photo)

The International Olympic Committee IOC) concluded what they called a successful two-day workshop with the four candidate cities for the 2024 Summer Olympic Games – Los Angeles, Rome, Budapest, and Paris. The meetings were held at the headquarters of Olympic Broadcasting Services (OBS) in Madrid on April 6 and 7, and were dedicated to the Olympic Village, the International Broadcast Centre (IBC) and the Main Press Centare (MPC).

The workshops complemented those organized last November as part of Stage 1 of the Candidature Process, which focuses on Vision, Games Concept and Strategy.  Two specific areas where the Candidate Cities requested further information to find optimal, cost-effective technical solutions best suited to meeting the long-term need of the city while developing their Olympic projects, were the Olympic Village and the IBC/MPC.

The technical meetings were in line with Olympic Agenda 2020, the IOC’s strategic road map for the future of the Olympic Movement, which facilitates an open, two-way dialogue between the IOC and the Candidate Cities.

Jacqueline Barrett, Associate Director – Olympic Candidatures, and OBS CEO Yiannis Exarchos and their teams led the meetings.  They reviewed past Olympic Games plans, best practices and legacy case studies, and discussed how these can be applied to each individual project.

Rome 2024 delegation attends IOC workshop in Madrid (IOC Photo)
Rome 2024 delegation attends IOC workshop in Madrid (IOC Photo)

Barrett said, “one of the aims of the workshop was to demonstrate to the cities that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution and how early planning can lead to extensive cost savings in the long-term”.

Exarchos added, “we welcomed the opportunity to meet with the Candidate Cities 2024 and discuss in detail their specific IBC plans, as well as the legacy possibilities for each of the proposed structures.  It is often overlooked, but IBCs from previous Games have historically been facilities that have proven to be integral to the continuing economic and cultural growth of the host city.  From the workshop, it was clear that this same opportunity exists for each of the four Candidate Cities”.

Diana Bianchedi, General Coordinator for Rome 2024 said “as part of the new collaborative Olympic Agenda 2020 process, we welcome this opportunity to discuss our emerging plans in more detail. We will use the feedback to refine our preliminary designs. We look forward to further discussions as the process progresses.”

Sandor Finta, Director of Architecture and Urban Planning for Budapest 2024 said “the workshop was a fantastic opportunity for us to discuss our bid projects and learn about these facilities, and understand the priorities of the key stakeholders. The timing of the workshop has been ideal to ensure we can continue our planning towards an optimal solution and ultimately present a project that will be well received by the IOC and meet the needs of the city of Budapest.”

Further workshops will be held in June to review evaluations of phase 1 submissions that were received by the IOC February 16.  At that time the IOC Executive Board will confirm which candidatures are approved to move on to phase 2.

Phase 2 documents are due into the IOC October 7 and will cover the topics including governance, legal and venue funding.  The phase 3 deadline is February 3, 2017 and will include topics around Games delivery, experience and venue legacy.

The winner will be declared in September 2017 after an IOC Session vote in Lima, Peru.

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